Vegetable Shredder – Josh Harper

Vegan Skateboarder Josh HarperNAME: Josh Harper


OCCUPATION: Activist, author, and volunteer for

Where do you like skating? I’m an old man now, pretty much all I enjoy skating these days is curbs. A good yellow curb brings me as much joy now as perfect stairs and ledges when I was younger.

Why did you go Veg? I went vegan because I can’t stand the idea that someone would needlessly suffer and be confined so that I can eat or dress myself. Its very simply the right thing to do.

What is/was your favorite thing to skate and why? When I was about 23 years old I went for a long bike ride and discovered a secret spot in Eugene, OR. Basically it was a short downhill that led to a small bump that kicked you out over a gap between two driveways that had a small hedge between them. I only ever skated it with one other person, and the neighbors were cool with it as long as we didn’t come too late at night or too early in the morning.

What shoe are you skating in now? DVS Gavin Classics.


If you do’t know Josh Harper let me get you up to speed. Josh has fought harder for the animals then just about anyone.   I swiped the photo above from our friends over at Vegan Police and they have a way longer interview with Josh too.

Are Vegan or Vegetarian and skate? Head over to the Vegetable Shredder sample page, copy paste and email your answers to  Don’t forget to sent a skate photo (or food photo if you are a vegan celebrity) and a mailing address so we can hook you up with some free stickers.

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1 Response to Vegetable Shredder – Josh Harper

  1. Nate Whitson says:

    Damn! I’ve known Josh for a while from going into Wayward Cafe up in Seattle. Well, I say ‘known’ but I’ve never really gotten to know him. More of an acquaintance I guess. Still awesome to see a piece on him here!

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