Vegetable Shredder – Misha Pishulin

vegan skateboarder vegetable shredder  Misha PishulinNAME: Misha Pishulin

LOCATION: Crimea, Ukraine

OCCUPATION: travel, skateboarding and music.

Where do you like skating? On the streets of the Crimea and sometimes in the local skatepark.

Why did you go Veg? In 2011, I watched a movie ” Earthlings”  and this greatly changed my views. Since that time, I am vegan. Any violence toward animals is a crime.

Misha Pishulin vegan skaterWhat is your favorite thing to skate and why? Street, stage, railing, gap. A true spirit of freedom. I really love it.

Misha Pishulin vegetable shredder vegan skateboarderWhat shoe are you skating in now? Now I ride in VANS Chukka Del Barco, but my favorite shoes for skating is the Dekline Harper.

Or just say whatever you want about skating Veg…

Go vegan! P.S. excuse my bad english*

I was very excited to get Misha’s Vegetable Shredder in my email last year all the way from Crimea!  Sorry it took so long to get up, is it now Crimea, Russia? I hope the stickers I sent got to you. Embargoes can be a real pain though.

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